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AJ Pearce

AJ Pearce

AJ was born and grew up in Hampshire. Here, aged five, she got lost WHSmith where she was given a comic and taken to the local police station while her parents ran around quite berserk with worry.

This led to a lifelong interest in free magazines, and after graduating with a degree in American Studies from the University of Sussex, AJ joined the glamorous world of publishing at What’s New In Engineering? where the answer turned out to be Not Terribly Much And I’m Afraid I Don’t Understand It Anyway.

Following a career in marketing, a chance discovery of a 1939 copy of Woman’s Own inspired AJ to start collecting vintage magazines and write her debut novel Dear Mrs Bird. The sequel, Yours Cheerfully, was released in 2021 and the third title in the series, Mrs Porter Calling is out in 2023.

Twitter and Instagram: @ajpearcewrites

AJ’s website

Agent: Jo Unwin

Books by AJ Pearce

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