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Karen Campbell


Karen Campbell is the author of eight novels, and a graduate of Glasgow University’s Creative Writing Masters. Before becoming a writer, she was a police officer, and her first four novels focus on the people behind the uniform. This is Where I Am, her fifth book, about a Somali refugee in Glasgow, was a Radio 4 Book at Bedtime.
Karen now lives in Galloway, where she completed her sixth novel Rise, set during run-up to Scotland’s first Independence referendum, while her next novel, The Sound of the Hours, was set in WW2 in Barga – Italy’s most Scottish town. Her latest novel Paper Cup is published by Canongate in June 2022. Karen also teaches and mentors creative writing students, and was recently Writer in Residence at Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Twitter: @writerkcampbell

Agent: Jo Unwin

Books by Karen Campbell


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